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How to Put Google Adsense Below Post Title in Blogger?


Adsense is used by majority of expert bloggers for their website monetization because it is a cookie based contextual advertising system that shows targeted ads relevant to the content and reader. As bloggers are paid on per click basis, they try various ad placements on the blog to increase the revenue and get maximum clicks on the ad units.
Well, on some blogs, you might have seen Adsense ad units placed below the post title. Do you know why? It is because the area just below the post title gets the most exposure and is the best place to put AdSense ad units to increase Click Through Rate (CTR).
Even though ads below post title work like a charm but this doesn’t mean that it will work for you as well. If you want to find out the best AdSense ads placement for your blog, try experimenting by placing ads at various locations such as header, sidebar, footer, etc. You can try other blog monetization methods as well to effectively monetize your blog.
In this tutorial, I will guide you about how to show Google Adsense ads below post titles in blogger. So, without much further ado, let’s start the process ;)

How to Create Google Ads

  1. Login to your Google Adsense Account.
  2. Under “My Ads” tab, create a new Ad unit
Create new ad unit
Create a new ad unit
  1. Type ad unit name (it can be anything) and choose desired ad size. For better performance choose wide area ad sizes like 300*250 Medium Rectangle or 336*280 Large Rectangle
ad size large rectangle
Select ad size
  1. Customize your Ad Style to match it with your template. Then, click on Save and get code button.
  2. The ads won’t appear if you use that code directly. To use this code within the blogger (xHTML) template, you need to parse it first. Use thisHTML Parse Tool to change special characters into their corresponding HTML entities.
parsed adsense code
Copy parsed Adsense code
  1. Now, copy the parsed Adsense code.

Adding Google Adsense in Blogger Below Post Titles

  1. Open your blogger dashboard >> Template.
  2. Backup your current blogger template.
  3. Click on Edit HTML button.
Edit Blogger Template
Press this button
  1. Copy all the template code and paste that into notepad. (to find the below code)
  2. Press Ctrl+F and search for <data:post.body/>. You might find this code more than one time but, you’ve to work with the second one.
  3. Now, place the below code just above <data:post.body/>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

  1. Now, replace the PLACE YOUR AD CODE HERE with the Parsed Ad Code.
  2. Click on Save Template button.
  3. Done!!
Once you’ve performed the all above mentioned steps, then open your blog and visit any your blog posts. The Adsense Ad unit placed below post title will look something like this:
Adsense below post title
The AdSense ad unit will appear on the left side between article title and article content. If you don’t like ad placement and want to show it at the center or the right side, then use the below code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div align="center">

Then your ad placement will look something like this:
adsense below post title in center
Ad below post title in Center
If you want to move your ad to the right side, simply change center from the above code to right. That's it.
If you’re still unhappy with the ad placement, you can try wrapping your content around the Google Adsense Ads (as shown in the image below):
To do this, use below code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style="float:left; margin:10px;">

Replace left to right if you want to show ads on the right side wrapped with text.
Note: Once you’re done with placing your desired code, don’t forget to cross-check that all the codes are added between the conditional tags that will make ads appear only on the post pages (neither homepage nor labels/archives page). If you want to show ads below post title on every page of your blog then, just remove those conditional tags. (lines in blue color.)
If you are showing the ad on homepage and label pages also then take a look at your ad. It will be shown below all post’s titles means if you have set 5 posts to appear on your homepage then it will only appear below first three post’s titles. Last two will be shown as blank white space. On those, you can mind placinginfolinks referral program banner ads to make some extra money.
But, I will recommend you to show ad below first post title only as too many ads will make your website look like spam. For doing that, replace above conditional tags with below ones to show the single ad on homepage and labels page belowfirst top most post’s title.

<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>

It’s your turn
So, these were all the ways to put Google Adsense ads below the post title. As I mentioned above, you can also use some other ads below post title as well. Now, it’s your turn to check which format and ad size work best for increasing CTR of your blog.
Though Adsense is considered the best way to monetize any blog, you can also use Studiopress affiliate program to make some extra money. Also, read how I made 470$ with ShareASale affiliate program.
Please share your views with me on increasing Adsense CTR and revenue through comments. Happy Making Money!

More info:

UC Browser - Android

UC Browser is the leading mobile internet browser with more than 300 million users across more than 150 countries and regions. This product is currently available on all major operating platforms in 7 different languages.
 - OS allowed: Android 2.2 and +
 Publishers may be requested to pause by advertiser if quality factors are below average.

Google Earth 5.0

Google Earth
Size:24.29 MB
Release Date:2013-10-31

Developer: Google
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2000
Language: English, French, German, Arabic, Spanish

Google Earth gives you a chance to fly anyplace on Earth to view satellite symbolism, maps, territory, 3D structures, from cosmic systems in space to the gulches of the sea. You can investigate rich geological substance, spare your visited places, and impart to others.
See worldwide changes with many years of noteworthy symbolism: If you've ever considered how your neighborhood has changed all through time, Google Earth now gives you access to the past. With a straightforward snap, look at rural sprawl, softening ice tops, beach front disintegration, and the sky is the limit from there.
Jump underneath the surface of the sea: In the new sea layer, you can dive the distance to the floor of the ocean, view elite substance from accomplices such as BBC and National Geographic, and investigate 3D wrecks like the Titanic.
Track and impart your ways to others: Take placemarks above and beyond and record a freestyle visit in Google Earth. Just turn on the visiting highlight, press record, and see the world. You can even add a soundtrack or portrayal to customize the excursion.

What's new:
- Issues altered:
- The "Empower Controller" alternative in client inclinations is currently killed as a matter of course. This keeps red directional bolts from showing as an aftereffect of uncalibrated joysticks and different controllers being associated with Earth at startup.
- For improved security, "Use HTTPS for Google associations" is presently flipped on as a matter of course.
- We altered a bug whereby the store size rose above client indicated limits.
- We altered an accident coming about because of looking on a few Windows machines.
- We upgraded the LEAP API to form 1.08.
- We lessened LEAP controller affectability to client hand movements. This empowers a smoother flight and more noteworthy control over your flight way when utilizing a LEAP.

Google Drive

Google Drive
Size:910.00 KB
Release Date:2015-05-20

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Language: English,French,German,Arabic,Spanish
Google Drive is an application that permits you to get to your online stockpiling administration from anyplace. Also, paying little respect to the stage, blind clients can get to Google Drive with a screen peruser.
With Google Drive, you will have the capacity to work with your partners continuously, as you can share archives and presentations. Moreover, you can appoint them remarks and get remark notices.
The application highlights capable inquiry instruments that permit you to channel your Drive content. Google Drive utilizes OCR innovation to peruse filtered reports, and in addition picture acknowledgment to recognize pictures. In this way, in the event that you move and customize photographs from your Grand Canyon stumble into Drive, you can later hunt down [grand canyon] and photographs of its crevasses ought to appear.

What's new:
- Other bug fixes and upgrades.


Acrobat Reader DC

Acrobat Reader DC
Size:1.07 MB
Release Date:2015-03-17

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2000
Language: Chinese,English

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC programming is the free, trusted standard for review, printing, marking, and commenting on PDFs. It's the main PDF viewer that can open and communicate with a wide range of PDF substance – including structures and mixed media. It's associated with Adobe Document Cloud – so you can work with PDFs on PCs and cell phones.
With Acrobat Reader DC, you can likewise open premium components to accomplish more with PDFs when you buy a membership to Adobe PDF Pack, Adobe Export PDF, Adobe Send and Track, or Adobe Send for Signature.


Office Suites Tools
Size:25.74 MB
Release Date:2015-11-02
Bundles inside
Engineer: pdfforge
Working framework: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Dialect: English,French,German,Japanese,Italian,Spanish
PDFCreator fills in as a virtual printer that, rather than sending your records to a physical gadget that prints them onto paper, sends them to a virtual driver that changes over them to PDF. You can then do most things you ordinarily would with a PDF - print it, email it or more!
This implies PDFCreator lets you make PDF records sans preparation, as well as believer any current document to PDF. In addition you acquire immaculate, proficient looking reports, with no watermarks or implanted promotions.
PDFCreator highlights some arrangement settings, however you don't generally need to change them with a specific end goal to make them run. Just open the document you need to change over, select the Print choice and you're finished!
Whats new:
- More definite manual on the most proficient method to utilize the COM interface
- ActiveX interface for standpoint
- Automated settling for softened authorizations up the spool envelope
- New charge line parameter/ManagePrintJobs to gather different print occupations notwithstanding when utilizing Auto-Save
- Let Auto-Save either overwrite existing records or guarantee remarkable filenames
- Tokens in script activity
- Set a title format (with tokens)
- Includes Ghostscript 9.14

PhotoPad Image Editor

PhotoPad Image Editor
Size:876.00 KB
Release Date:2015-09-14
 Bundles inside
Developer: NCH Software
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Language: English

Moborobo is a main Android Smartphone Management Software that can be introduced on your Windows PC. With Moborobo, the administration of your Android Smartphone gets to be fun and simple. Oversee contact information: Sort, discover, arrange and reinforcement your contact information, for example, your contact list and also your messages. You can make assembles for your contacts and import/trade them between your pc and your gadget.
Wallpaper and subject downloads: an extensive variety of downloadable wallpapers and the decision to introduce ""Mobo Launcher"", a one of a kind Android home desktop substitution application. It empowers you to add topics to your launcher, tweak your symbols, dock, and also looking over and move impacts, to make and modify a telephone in light of your own exceptional plans.
Multi-media document match up and record chief: Sync music, recordings and pictures between your gadget and PC with complete straightforwardness by utilizing the record administrator tag. More propelled elements, for example, altering music playlists, setting ringtones, evolving wallpaper, and altering pictures can be found in the ""Tune"" and ""Image"" tag.
Send and get messages from your PC: With Moborobo you can send, get and compose your SMS messages from your PC. It additionally empowers you to send bunch messages, and in addition go down those vital and fascinating discussions.
This item is for the Android clients who are stressed over dealing with their cell phone in complex ways. It makes the administration fun and simple. In the meantime, it is likewise for IOS clients.

What's new:
- Fixed issues with WiFi association under Win8.
- Fixed different bugs.



Size:23.76 MB
Release Date:2014-11-19


Moborobo is a main Android Smartphone Management Software that can be introduced on your Windows PC. With Moborobo, the administration of your Android Smartphone gets to be fun and simple. Oversee contact information: Sort, discover, arrange and reinforcement your contact information, for example, your contact list and also your messages. You can make assembles for your contacts and import/trade them between your pc and your gadget.
Wallpaper and subject downloads: an extensive variety of downloadable wallpapers and the decision to introduce ""Mobo Launcher"", a one of a kind Android home desktop substitution application. It empowers you to add topics to your launcher, tweak your symbols, dock, and also looking over and move impacts, to make and modify a telephone in light of your own exceptional plans.
Multi-media document match up and record chief: Sync music, recordings and pictures between your gadget and PC with complete straightforwardness by utilizing the record administrator tag. More propelled elements, for example, altering music playlists, setting ringtones, evolving wallpaper, and altering pictures can be found in the ""Tune"" and ""Image"" tag.
Send and get messages from your PC: With Moborobo you can send, get and compose your SMS messages from your PC. It additionally empowers you to send bunch messages, and in addition go down those vital and fascinating discussions.
This item is for the Android clients who are stressed over dealing with their cell phone in complex ways. It makes the administration fun and simple. In the meantime, it is likewise for IOS clients.

What's new:
- Fixed issues with WiFi association under Win8.
- Fixed different bugs.


Size:25.54 MB
Release Date:2015-09-07

Developer: Kakao
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2000
Language: English


KakaoTalk Messenger is more than an essential visit apparatus; it joins various elements and devices to make a correspondence domain all that much like an informal community, yet with a much more noteworthy accentuation on one-on-one and individual discussions. The application is intended for simple access to your contacts, consolidated with various extra apparatuses to upgrade your utilization of the administration.

Viber 4.3

Size:96.53 MB
Release Date:2015-11-11

Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2000
Language: English

Viber for Windows gives you a chance to send free messages and make free calls to other Viber clients, on any gadget and system, in any nation!
Viber synchronizes your contacts, messages and call history with your cell phone, so you can begin the discussion on the Viber versatile application and proceed from the solace of your PC.


Chat Instant Messaging
Size:28.97 MB
Release Date:2015-11-19

Developer: NHN Japan
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Language: English,Japanese
LINE is programming that permits you to make free calls and send free messages from your PC to iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry telephones and in addition different Macs and PCs. LINE is likewise accessible for Mac meaning PC clients can speak with loved ones that utilization PCs and in addition Macs. Nonetheless, LINE doesn't highlight video calling yet despite the fact that you can send short video and sound messages.
Call quality utilizing LINE is really great however despite the fact that this will rely on upon your web association and 3G system. LINE is likewise stick stuffed with emoticons (and with the choice to buy more intricate "stickers") to make informing more fun. This last component is especially well known in Japan and has made it a standout amongst the best applications available.
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